It’s All About the Quality

Bring Fresh Life (and Air) to Your Business!

When it comes to the quality of air at the office, there are no shortcuts allowed. It is imperative for business owners to provide their employees with a safe, comfortable workplace that incorporates no known hazards—and this includes air quality.

And employees need to be responsible, too.

Employees are expected to be aware of any possible air quality problems that could expose them to unhealthy allergens. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), employees who feel threatened by air quality hazards should report these issues to management whenever possible.

Be Aware of Any “Uncool” Air

Regardless of the size of your business, employers need to be cognizant of the airflow and quality in their buildings and how it may affect workers.

If your employees experience coughs, headaches, dryness or other associated ailments that only happen at work and disappear when they get home, it could be due to IAQ issues. If this is the case, it’s time to re-evaluate your building’s indoor air quality and call Cool Techs for air quality testing. Poor health leads to poor productivity and that is the last thing you want for your company and its employees.

Whether you realize it or not, every day activities at the office can contribute to poor indoor air quality. From heating up food in the microwave to using the copy machine—your air quality is affected by the pollutants given off by a variety of office equipment.

Of course, employees need to share responsibilities for indoor air quality, too. Here is a list of things everyone can do to help cut back on indoor air pollutants at work:

  • Take out the trash daily. This helps to prevent odors and biological contamination.
  • Move filing cabinets and boxes away from air vents. Blocking HVAC vents throws off the balance of the HVAC system and prevents healthy airflow.
  • Refrigerate and store food properly. Food that isn’t refrigerated can spoil quickly and emit unpleasant odors.
  • Report water leaks or spills. Water or moist areas can contribute to the growth of mold and fungi. If these bacteria become airborne, they can cause health issues. Report any water issues to management whenever you notice them.

Cleaner Air, Better Business

At Cool Techs Heating & Air, we have been servicing and installing commercial indoor air quality systems for over 15 years. We have experience working with a variety of both smaller and larger businesses and know which system will work seamlessly for your needs. Let us help you design a reliable IAQ plan so you can keep your employees happy and comfortable.